

Frequently Asked Questions

Sure, here are some frequently asked questions about our voice over service:

A voice over service involves recording a script or piece of text using a professional voice actor, which is then added to a video, commercial, or other media project.

We offer a wide range of voice over services, including commercial voice overs, explainer video voice overs, animation voice overs, and more.

We have a large roster of professional voice actors with a variety of styles and tones to choose from. You can listen to their demos and choose the one that best fits your project.

How much does a voice over service cost? The cost of a voice over service depends on the length of the script, the type of project, and other factors. We offer competitive rates and can provide a custom quote for your specific project.

Turnaround time depends on the length of the script and other factors. We work quickly and efficiently to deliver your completed project as soon as possible, typically within a few days.

Yes, we offer revisions to ensure that you are completely satisfied with your completed project.

Simply contact us and provide us with your project details. We will provide you with a custom quote and guide you through the process from start to finish.